Project Chapeau

Project Chapeau

In 2024, we were preparing for our show "BEYOND TIME" in GASK (the very famous and beautiful Gallery of the Central Bohemian Region). Our curator was Veronika Maresova, a woman of exquisite taste, deep knowledge and firing temper.

She told us a story of her first serious boyfriend, from many years ago. The relationship was toxic and had a bad ending. Anyway, the boyfriend was a glass crafter and she still had a glass hat, she had got from him those many years ago. The hat hold lot of bad memories but she never found the strength to give it away. So she suggested we could plant it to concrete and make it a better thing.

We took the hat and promised to think about it. Eventually we came to the conclusion that the bad spirit broken in the hat can only be removed if the structure of the hat is broken. Veronika agreed and we planned and made a ritual where Veronika her self would break the hat. After that we carefully picked all shatters of it and build a glass-concrete object that is now part of her home but has no longer the bad spirit locked in it. The object was named Veronika's Hat and was introduced during our last commented show to our exhibition on the 2 February 2025 in GASK with attention of many art-goers.

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